Saturday, May 30, 2009
Beef Contest For the Heart
The Kansas Beef Council has stated May is Beef Month and in honor of that they are doing the Kansas City Heart Walk this morning. Now I cannot make it down there, however I will definitely do some walking this morning. But they would also like to reward one lucky reader by giving them a $20 Hy-Vee gift card. Here are a few beef facts you may not know:· There are 29 cuts of lean beef, each with
Join the Kansas City Start! Heart Walk
Have you heard of the Kansas City Start! Heart Walk? If you haven't you should head on down and check it out. It officially begins in a few minutes, however the walk doesn't start until 9 am Central time.Fee: Free event.Participants are encouraged to collect donations.Location: Theis Park 47th & Oak(3 blocks east of the Country ClubPlaza)Kansas City, MO 64111The 2009 Kansas City Start! Heart Walk
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Graduation
SoccerBoy going up to get his Certificate of Completion of Elementary School. My little Graduate! So proud and not very happy that mom is making him get his pic. Happy WW!
Memorial Day Activities
Wow, I'm so behind in posting about my life. As always we did honor Memorial Day, I know ya'll didn't think we'd let that day slip right past. Of course we enjoyed a BBQ, but not before we (kids and I) stopped over at the cemetary and thanked all those that have served in the military. The hubby stopped off at the store before the kids and I went over and got us 3 dozen roses, which we would lay
SoccerBoy's 6th Grade Graduation
SoccerBoy graduated 6th grade last night (May 26,2009) which for those wondering, it means he has completed elementary school and is moving into Jr.High in the fall. Which also means momma's first born is now almost grown which is the weirdest feeling of all. Last night, as we drove up to the store before his graduation I was stuck in that time warp. I kept thinking of all those things in the
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Table Gating Party Giveaway
Kim Burton, wife of Nascar Driver Jeff Burton, has teamed up with Libby's Vegetables and she is sharing her tips on how she eats dinner 3 nights a week with her family. For those that may not know or haven't read my post: Interview with Kim Burton, Jeff Burton is the CAT driver (#31). Libby's wrote me and asked if I would like to have a giveaway in honor of their very own contest "Table-Gating
Friday, May 22, 2009
Skinny Cow Ice Creams...Delicious
Okay I'm not going to lie when MomCentral first emailed me to see if I'd like to review the Skinny Cow (low fat) ice creams I said yes, with all intentions to have the kids try them. Today though, I couldn't help but want one. You know they look just the same as the "fattening ice cream," just as delicious and smooth. After passing out the first two I couldn't resist and took one for myself. I
Interview with Kim Burton
Earlier today I got the privledge of interviewing Kim Burton, wife to Jeff Burton, Nascar Driver. Kim has teamed up with Libby's Back to the Table and help moms on the go or just pressed for time. She will do this by sharing with us her favorite recipes and tips on how to get the kids all to sit down at the same time and enjoy the meal, even when they don't like what's at the table.How many of
Contest Alert: Table Gating Recipe Contest
First, I will be announcing my own giveaway in a few hours but I wanted to let ya'll know about the one that Libby's is doing. The Table Gating recipe contest is for any of ya'll that have a nutrious recipe that you are willing to share. Not only are their 5 really great prizes but you are helping other mothers/fathers out that can't think of any new meal ideas.Fill out the entry form here: (http
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
She's growing up, that's all I have to say. :(She starts kindergarten this fall. Happy WW, I'm off to field day at the school. Kids are getting wet at the park.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
~*My Oh My, How Time Flies*~
...when you're having fun! Hello sweet blogging friends. I pray that you all are well. My family and I are doing great...just decided to take a little break, though I didn't think it would have been that long! I've been busy planning my dd's sweet 16 birthday party. I still have a lot to do and it's three weeks away so I probably won't be posting that much again until it's over with.
I want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments that you left for me on my last post. As you'll see in the picture below, the kittens have grown considerably. We were so happy to be able to keep all of them...they are so sweet and friendly. Every morning they greet us for a treat and will follow us to the barn to be fed.
I've also been trying to bring some color to the home place...
I found these great hanging baskets at a local green house...aren't they pretty?
Below is my cup and saucer planter even though at the angle I took the picture you can't see the handle. I found the planter at Wal-mart.

I had two small ivy plants that are growing like weeds...I decided to bend a hanger and insert it into the pots and have the ivy grow around far so's getting there.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pepsi Throw Winner
Wow the stories were great, I loved reading all the memories. Have you all found the new Pepsi bottle? I haven't yet and I'm looking everywhere. :( The winner of the pepsi throw is.....What a great giveaway! My favorite memory of Pepsi during the 70's is the USBicentenninal Celebration in July 1976. My friends and I were 18 and had justgraduated from high school. We all went to the local parade
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: The Slide
We hit the park this weekend. Can you see they love the slide? He would actually hold the bar above and yell "wee" before dropping down. Happy WW!
Weekend, storms and College
Boy it has been a great month of May, as many of you know May is one (not the one, but one) of my favorite months. I mean who can't love May, the month to celebrate moms and mother nature and watch new life spring up right? Okay yes I'm a bit sentimental but I don't care. It's just amazing to watch the snow thaw and see these tiny green buds come open on trees and eggs burst into baby birds.This
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Jiffy Lube Winner.....
By the way the first winner could not win due to leaving off an email: (bike story on the front of the car)So the new winner is......pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)netI live on a piece of property where the driveway slants downhill and thereis a retention pond across the street.One day when getting out of my van mytoddler son told me that my van was rolling backwards down my driveway and thenmy
Mother's Day Winners (Clorox)
Random Integer GeneratorHere are your random numbers:4Timestamp: 2009-05-11 17:01:17 UTCI drew my mom a picture of our dog, and she got it framed and amtted and stillhangs on the wall #posted by MOMFOREVERANDEVER : 2:07 AM But since I am late posting this I am giving away one more: #15My mother has always been quite the seamstress. She sewed most of our clothingwhen we were little. We didn't
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Giveaway & Review: Evenflo Comfort Select
I have four children, each of which were breastfed babies. Obviously I have nothing against breastfeeding and would encourage it if asked, this does not mean I frown on those that can't or don't. With all four of my babies (yes I still call them that) I had dealings with all types of boob talk, by this I mean breasts leaking in public, spilled milk, the pump, breast pads, etc. If it dealt with
Friday, May 8, 2009
Jiffy Lube Giveaway for Mother's Day
How many of you have ever needed your car worked on/repaired/etc? I'll never forget the time my husband was overseas (Iraq) and I had some problems with my vehicle. You may remember me talking about it making really funny noises and finally convincing some Marine to look under my hood. He had told me I needed to pop off the thing with the cap, I remember doing this and a bunch of HOT green stuff
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Waiting to Eat
This is BabyGirl coloring on her menu as we wait to eat. There was just something about this picture. I just love it! Happy WW! Dont' forget to scroll down and enter my giveaways.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
When the Dryer Breaks...
The words I never, ever want to hear again are, "Mom, the dryer doesn't spin" or "Mom, I did the clothes two times and they are all still wet." Eeek, I know this can't be good. Yes, the dryer quit working for us and this was after I had piles of laundry waiting for me and one that was actually in the dryer and another waiting to be dried. So what do you do in a situation like this? Normally a
Mother's Day Giveaway
Clorox recently sent me one of their brand new Disinfecting Wipes (lemon fresh scent) in the new dispensers. First, I love Clorox because I know it cleans everything and with all these scares these days I prefer to wipe everything down. You might remember me talking about the "Clorox Wipes" back in May 2008 but now with these little canisters (dispensers) they are cute and convenient. They've
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Contact Homemom3
For those of you that want to be able to reach me without having to pop up another screen and email me at you can use the form below. id = 20583; clr = "FFFFFF-181515-121111-FCFBFB";
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I LOVE Borders Bookstore
Okay two nights ago the family and I all went out to our now favorite restaurant "Chili's." We had a fun time and it was definitely worth the amount we spent and I can see us going again in the future, but maybe not this month. We've went twice, the first time we had servers that didn't want to serve us because of us having four children. They automatically assumed we would have disruptive
School's Almost Out
Guess what? The kids only have 17 more days of school left. EEEEKKK! By the way this is school days not actual days but I'm sure if I asked the kids they'd tell me exact days. How many of you remember the count down to the last day of school? I remember counting down not only the last day but those last few minutes until it got to seconds. We'd all sit there and watch the clock and then count
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