Thank you for your sweet comments about my last post. I'm having so much fun painting things black...I hope you all don't tire of seeing my black projects because I have a few more. I'm not really sure what this wooden thing is, but I've been using it as a disguise on my washer to hide the ugly hoses. Of course, I do have to look at the hoses when I'm washing clothes, but at least they can be hidden should we have guests that need to use the powder rom.

I put this basket of pipberries there, too.

Here is a picture of the cupboard in my powderroom. As you can see, the black tiles I recently painted are on the middle shelf. Now that I'm looking at this picture the basket in the lower right corner looks a little out of place...or is it just me??? Do you think I should paint it black, too?

I purchased black plate holders at Wal-mart to lift them up a bit. I didn't like the look of how all three black items on the shelf were the same needed some height variation and the plate holders solved that problem.

On the top shelf is a sign that says "HOME". I made this myself. The frame was from a yard sale. It cost me .25 cents. The frame was light green and I painted it black. I used scrapbooking materials, but I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the look of it...I mean it's okay, but I think it needs some embellishment.

This frame was a thrift store find. It was gold, and then I had painted it white, which didn't work for me so I painted it black and added the scrapbooking materials. It did have a small picture of a bird in it, but I wanted something different.

Thank you for stopping by to look at my latest projects...have a blessed day, my friends!
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