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~* Powder Room Redecorating *~
I've been doing some redorating. The top of my yellow cupboard was a little boring so I decided to do something about it. I found the little artificial plant at Goodwill for .69 cents. (In person it almost looks real!) I love words so I couldn't pass up dream that I found at a local country decorating store.
I also added a few items to this cupboard in the powder room.
I found this great little pitcher at Goodwill yesterday for .99 cents. I thought it was so adorable. Would you believe that when I got the bag out of the vehicle I dropped it and it broke. I was able to salvage it and get it glued back together. However, there are two small holes on the other side of the pitcher that couldn't be fixed. I didn't have the heart to throw it away (I'm only showing you the good side). Unless it's picked up you wouldn't know it was broken.
This is a picture of my dear Mom when she was a little girl. I found this frame at a thrift store almost a year ago and didn't know what to put it in. I have another frame exactly like this one. I'm going to put a picture of my dear Dad in it from when he was a little boy. The old books were yard sale finds.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*It was so nice to hear from Esther, Lynda, Julie, Wendi, Manuela, Brenda, Kari and Kijsa, Dena, Terri and Bob, Heidi, Robin, Becky, Linda and Penny....thank you for leaving me a comment! 
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