Saturday, February 28, 2009
Little A Discovered his Nipples
Okay, I've been weaning my youngest (almost 2) and I guess he was looking for another alternative. Imagine my surprise as I hear, "Milk. Milk?"I look over at Little A who has unzipped his zipper and is actually grabbing his nipples. I try to ignore it, but I once again hear, "Milk?"I smile, "nipples. That is your chest."But he's insistant and smiles really big, "MILK!" Suddenly he's trying to
Friday, February 27, 2009
Crayola Toothbrush Winner
The winner of the Crayola Toothbrush kit is.....CDStardust said...I really like the Crayola Flossers, my 4 year old tries to use real floss or our EZ Thru flossers, its too cute! The way I encourage him to brush his teeth is by saying "you have to say cheese" to brush his fronts, and "you have to say ahhhh" to get his back and sides. He loves it! He always asks "are my teeth clean?" and I will
Thursday, February 26, 2009
~*A Little Of This And That*~
Hello dear blogging friends...I hope you all are doing tell you the truth, I'm getting spring fever! I'm longing for spring colors in this drabness of winter...where did I find mine? At Wal-mart...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
February Giveaways for You
Babylune is giving away 2 organizers from Amy Knapp, one is for Christians and the other is for those Expecting.SheKnows Coupons is giving away College Inn Broths and stocks for your home. Check them out, all you have to do is list a recipe or what you'd use them for.Right here, at The Life of a Homemom is giving away a Crayola Timer Light toothbrush and kit for you. Just tell me which one you'd
Another Wordless Wednesday: Boob Scarves
Okay the hubby forwarded me something today and told me to post it for my Wordless Wednesday. Course I'd already told ya'll about Little A's haircut and posted it already. But since he thought it was so funny (and I must agree) here it is.This was fwd to him this morning. All us women always worry about boobs sagging but to make a boob scarf? hehe Happy WW ya'll!
Wordless Wednesday: Before and After Cut
Little A had his first professional cut and seemed to love it, guess we'll see the next time he goes. I'm going to post the before shot and the two after shots I have. Do you remember when your little one got their first cut or trim? Happy WW!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
My Son wants Playboy
Today my son, (SoccerBoy he's 11) saw in the coupons that the magazine, "PLAYBOY" was available for $12 for a 1 year subscription. The first thing out of his mouth was, "Mom you can get me that for my birthday."hahahhaaha.First, he's dreaming. Second I responded, "What? A magazine.""Mom, they are in bathing suits."My response, "Oh you want women in bathing suits?"He quickly took the leap. "YES!"
Friday, February 20, 2009
~*Hooked On Milk Glass*~
I am hooked on milk glass vases...I just found this one on Wednesday at the thrift was $1.00. I still haven't decided what I'm going to put in it..maybe a lovely little violet...I know it has to be something very springy!
Dear readers, I can't thank you all enough for the kind comments you continue to leave me...honestly, when I started this blog I didn't think anyone would be interested in what was going in my truly is a haven to me and my family.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, Kim
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Giveaway: Crayola Timer Light Toothbrush Bag Kit
I recently got to review a really cute product line by Gum Brand, with this being the Dental Hyigene month what better product right? I received a cute little canvas bag that I can pull the strings and use over and over from Crayola, it held three toothbrushes, floss sticks, soft picks and a few other items. One of those toothbrushes was the Crayola Timer light toothbrush, this is a favorite for
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Book Reading
Oh we went to the Kansas City Zoo on Valentine's Day and the kids have been looking at pictures of mammals and other types of animals ever since. BabyGirl's favorite animal that she actually got to see, due to some being down for remodeling, was the sea lions. She tried hard to get them to chase the ball by telling them what to do but it didn't happen. It's cold out there, they were sunbathing.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kelly Ripa & Electrolux Do Cupcakes for Cure
Create your own virtual cupcake with Kelly Ripa and actually send it to someone online and they will donate $1 per every virtual cupcake. Donations will go towards Ovarian cancer. Plus every time you log in and send a cupcake you'll be entered to win a Red Hot Red Washer and Dryer.Electrolux is proud to support The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund. Electrolux and Kelly Ripa have teamed up to raise
Friday, February 13, 2009
~*A Craft & More Red*~
Happy Friday sweet blogging friends...I honestly don't know where the week has gone. I had planned on starting my spring cleaning this week, but that did not happen...too many places to go and appointments to keep! I hope to start next week!!!
My dear daughter wanted to give some Valentine goodies to her close friends. I made these little bags. They're the small paper bags that you can find in the craft section of Wal-mart if you're still lucky to have a craft section. I added foam hearts and wrote on the bag with fabric paints. We added the candy and cut out a hole with a heart shaped cutter and added some ribbon. It was very inexpensive to make. The girls all loved them!
After having this table cloth and placemats on my table for a little while now, I decided I wanted a change...
I found this lace table cloth at Wal-mart on clearance for $7.00.
I've been looking at these placemats for months...finally broke down and got them...aren't they pretty? I just LOVE them!
This was a plain natural colored needed a little pick me up so I decided to paint it RED...yes, I went from a black obsession to a red obsession...I just can't help myself! My husband had asked me what color was!
Well, that's all for now...thank you so much for coming to visit me...I appreciate it very, very much! Wishing all of you sweet friends a very
Happy Valentine's Day.
I also want to thank all of you who visited and commented on my last post..."Tweaking my Tweaking." For those of you who have never tried the Wal-mart candles, I would encourage you to try them...they do smell so wonderful!
Love, Kim
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
As you may and may not know, two weeks ago I started the process of "Living better and Looking Better." Okay, I actually wanted to lose weight and look great doing it. I think it would build my self-esteem up and make me feel great about the way I looked. I took out the pasta and replaced it with delicious fruits and yummy veggies. I'm no longer drinking 3 fraps a day from Starbucks but the
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
FIREPROOF: It May just Save Your Marriage
I recently watched Fireproof and wanted to recommend it to all my married friends/bloggers out there. I think this is one of those movies that is needed in every family home. Now I know this isn't a movie that everyone thinks they want to watch at first and yes "GOD" is mentioned throughout it but this movie has such a special meaning.#1 No matter how well you think you know your mate, you can
Saturday, February 7, 2009
~*Tweaking My Tweaking*~
Yes, blogging friends....I tweaked my tweaking. The first picture shows how it looked the first time. I felt that something was missing in the middle...the salt and pepper shakers looked too small...while I felt it was okay, it just wasn't right.
Love, Kim
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Good morning sweet friends...I hope you all are well. I am doing good, but getting a little cabin fever. I live at a place called Snowball Hill and believe me, it is living up to it's name! We've been getting snow, snow and more snow here in southwestern Pa. I'd be willing to make a deal with any of you dear readers who do not have snow and would like to take some of what we have off of our hands!
Cabin fever leads to a little, I didn't do much, but I needed to see some greenery. While at the grocery store I picked up a few ivy plants.
Below is the before and while I love how it looks, I wanted to look at something green.
Thank you all for stopping by to visit me! I appreciate all of the visits and sweet comments from my last post, "Where I Blog".
Please keep the following dear blogging friends who recently lost loved ones: Adrienne at With A Grateful Heart and Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: BabyGirl Shines
Camera is from my cell so a abit blurry but you can see my BabyGirl just all smiles. :) Happy WW!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
V. Motion goes Pink
We recently got the Vtech V.Motion Active Learning system in the mail, by the way, they've turned pink. So now you can choose the original blue with orange. This was a huge thing in this house as most of our game machines are totally boy colors, the girls flipped over this. I mean BabyGirl's favorite color is pink so this was a hit for her.What comes with the Vtech V.Motion Active Learning System
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Steelers WON!
Woo hoo, Steelers won! It sure was a close ending that's for sure. I really thought they would lose in the last 2 minutes of the game when the Cardinals got ahead, but they pulled back up.Steelers 27 Cardinals 23
Super Bowl from Minsky's
As ya'll know, I've blogged about my love for the pizza place, "Minsky's" in the past. Well we are going to begin watching the Super Bowl there, in fact that's where I'm blogging from.We ordered: Two large pizzas (pepperoni & sausage) with curly fries and drinks. I love the sausage, not to fond of the pepperoni. By the way for those reading my blog on a regular basis, yes I am starting my, "Get
Super Bowl Commercials Already Out
Pepsi has already released a few of their Super Bowl commercials. Want to see them before the big game? Yes, I know that's only in a few but I know ya'll love to see things ahead of time and that's one reason some of us watch the Super bowl.Here are two, let me know which one you like. There was another one but it might not be in the Super Bowl. The one above BabyGirl and I watched together, at
The Change Your Life Challenge Winner is...
The Change Your Life Challenge winner is.....#37pamcallahan said...They all sound wonderful but I think "Getting Organized" wouldhelp me the most.Pam if you could email me at homemom3@gmail .com with your address we'll get this sent out to you. Congratulations!
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