Thursday, July 31, 2008
High School Musical Build-a-Bear
For a limited time only the High School Musical Bear is available. Guess who arrived on my front door today? Yep, it was this cute, plush brown High School Musical Teddy Bear and we got GOBS of pictures which means I'll be using my Flickr account even more today. But mine came wearing a black "High Wildcats" jogging suit and his very own house. Remember, I mentioned never going to a Build a Bear
The Cast is Off
That's right the cast came off. It actually came off on the 29th, her daddy's birthday. I was worried sick about how she would react upon seeing the saw but daddy said she was so brave. In fact he says she laughed because it tickled. lol. Can you picture it?She did have a little red area on the inside of her elbow from where the cast stayed on it. But other than that she did great. She said it
So You Think You Can Dance Contest (with Snuggles)
How many of you watch reality tv shows? Got any favorites? How about "So you Think You Can Dance"? I know many of you probably tune in, in fact I've read a few of your blogs where you give updates. For those that don't know each dance tells it's own story through its own musical way. Watch as these great dancers team together and just flow with the music. Watch the theme of the choregraphers and
~* A New Cupboard *~
I found this great little black cupboard at Wal-mart last year for $10.00 in the craft section of the store. Some of the edges are sanded and there is a little bit of red showing through. It has three shelves and two little drawers. I'm going to use it for a spice cupboard.
Thank you for all of your sweet comments that were left about my house number sign. I appreciate all of you!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday: TV Watching
Well this one won't be so wordless. I told ya'll last week that I cut BalletGirl and my hair, no picture of myself yet but here is the one of BalletGirl. She's actually very excited about it. She says she can't wait to go back to school and show everyone. Oh and that she isn't so hot anymore, she hated brushing her hair all out as it was long (middle of her back). But now it's easier to manage
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bloggy Giveaways & Giveaways Galore
First don't forget to stop by Bloggy Giveaways where there was already 800 giveaways listed. I also have two at Babylune and 5 here at Life of a Home Mom. Do you have any? List them in the comments.City Streams is giving away a one year subscription to Home & Gardens Magazine.The Weary Parent wants to help you prepare for school with some EZ School Supplies.Mommy Cracked is giving away 30
$25 GC to Build-a-Bear
Ready for another giveaway? I just love the bloggy giveaways this year, there are so many. Oh come on, you know your child would love to have you win something just for them. Build-a-Bear has decided to give one lucky reader a $25 GC to their store. Have you ever made a Build-a-Bear? If not I hear they are loads of fun and there is something for everyone. I know my girls have been begging to
Land's End Back Pack Giveaway
I've got another giveaway for you that just came today, I hope ya'll aren't tired of all those Bloggy Giveaways yet. This time Lands' End wanted to get in on this and they are giving one lucky winner a great Lands' End Multitask Backpack. Now I've never owned anything by Lands' End but I've heard only good reviews about this company.Currently Lands' End has a back-to-school deal for you, it's
Winner of the Fandango GC
The winner of the Fandango $20 GC is.............................My favorite Brenden Fraser movie is definitely Encino Man!! # posted by Kari : 6:22 AMCongratulations Kari! I'll be dropping you an email, if you don't hear from me (spam box maybe) please email me at
Vietnam Vets get the Boot
".........It sickens me to death how politicians are always out to get veterans, it's not our fault that they were to cowardly to join the military and fight the battles, policing actions and wars they chose to send us to. Now they are trying to close Chapter 317 of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) in Kansas City, because their members are too old to make all the meetings. I am not a veteran
Monday, July 28, 2008
Cocoa Puffs Combos Giveaway
I'm listing yet another giveaway for the Bloggy Giveaways for the week. So hopefully you'll drop a comment and play along. I was lucky enough to get a few coupons to try out Cocoa Puffs brand new, Combos Cereal. This is the cereal that has both chocolate and vanilla. YUMMY! Hey I'm a lover of chocolate and loved the new cereal, it isn't too sweet which is what I was afraid of.Here’s how to enter
Alyson Stoner Making her Build-a-Bear For Alice Upside Down
Isn't it neat? I hadn't even thought about how the girls got the bears at the birthday party. Now we get to see the behind the scenes of the movie, "Alice Upside Down." It does look like they had fun. Alice Upside Down Cast At Build-A-Bear Workshop - Funny blooper videos are here
Precious Moments Giveaway
I got a Precious Moments Birthday (ceramic) Figurine in the mail and my girls simply loved it. You know my cabinet that was dedicated to MY porcelain dolls? Well she's right and the second shelf at their eye view. She's such a pretty thing with the letters XOXOXOX in her hand like a birthday banner and a little hat on the top of her pretty blonde hair. She really is precious and something they'll
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Bloggy Giveaway Coming Up
It's that time again! The Bloggy Giveaways are back and The Life of a Home Mom has a few nice gifts for you. So get ready for a lot of fun this week and watch for my follow up posts where I'll be giving away some Cocoa Puffs and Precious Moment Statue.
Alice Upside Down
The kids are hooked on yet another movie, at least this one is a bit less sad than the last one. Imagine what life would be like if you found out your family was moving. Has it ever happened to you? I know it has for me as a child, course I was actually excited for this to happen as it meant I could start over and be someone new. However, when my kids had to move from the military last year they
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Barbie Has Boobs
Hey, I didn't say it, but my 8-year-old daughter, BalletGirl, told me today, "Wow, mom look. Barbie has big boobs." Ummm, okay and exactly why did she point it out you ask. Simple, she's began noticing things like hair under her arms and such. She thinks that because barbie has some big boobs it woudl be nice when she gets them. Course I am screaming in my head for her to stay small and never
Thursday, July 24, 2008
July Contests & Giveaways
Celebutopia wants you to put your money where your mouth is. How's that? Simple you comment on their blog posts and the best one will win $10 for iTunes. I know ya'll like that. Hurry. Film Gecko is having her giveaways of course and today you can win Stop-Loss as well as her many others, ie College Road Trip and many Preschool DVDs. Savvy Housewife is giving away some really cute Paradise Toys,
Poise - To Stop those Leaks
I have a small confession to make and since many of you that read my blog are probably moms yourself I don't feel too embarrassed to tell you this. But after giving birth I found out I had an issue. Course this wasn't one I would normally tell others but since MomCentral asked me to talk about this I figured I'd even admit it.Ready for the confession? ..... I leak and no I'm not meaning from my
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Giveaways Around the Net
The Life of a Home Mom actually has a contest this week, it lasts for one week and someone is getting a $20 GC for Fandango. The online movie place.The Film Gecko is giving away two different DVDs this week: Kid DVDCollege Road TripMedium Dreams is giving away a beautiful set of Tarot Cards.Las Vegas Adventures is giving away the movie 21There are well over 100 contests going on at The Celebrity
Journey to the Center of the Earth Giveaway
Do you like the movies? I know you all know how much I just LOVE to watch movies, heck when is it I don't rent a bunch from my DVD Play. When was the last time you went to the movies or even rented a movie?Have you seen Journey to the Center of the Earth Yet? Now would be a good time and with the help of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" one winner will get $20 Fandango bucks. Now isn't that
Enter the So You Think You Can Dance Contest
Will you be entering the "So You Think You Can Dance Contest" that is sponsored by Snuggles? It's easy, all you need to do is a 30 second video of you dancing. Upload it on Youtube and send it to Snuggles.I doubt I'll be doing this but thought some of you might like to try. Let me know if you win or get selected.Enter the Snuggle Happy Dance Contest and find out if you win.The opinions expressed
~* House Number Sign *~
I saw a house number sign in one of my older issues of Country Sampler and I really liked it. I decided to make one on my own. I bought the board in the craft section of Wal-mart, purchased two stars and wooden numbers. I painted the board barn red, added weathering medium, painted yellow on top for a crackled finish. The stars were already the color I wanted them. I painted the numbers black and distressed them and then added everything to the board.
I love how it turned out!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look...I hope you'll come back again soon!
As always, thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate each and every one of them!
As always, thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate each and every one of them!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saving Money on Electric
Okay my dear readers I'm coming to you for help. Last month my electric bill shot through the roof, for me it was HUGE at around $200. I was shocked, but apparently the summer heat really caused us to use a lot more electricity than normal. This got me thinking, how much energy/electric we use. I called up the company and started asking questions. Want some tips?Tips to Cutting down that Bill:-
Saturday, July 19, 2008
~* Night Stand Reveal *~
The night stand for my 15 year old dd is now done! She absolutely loves the Shabby Chic style and had found a night stand in PB Teen, but I wasn't about to pay around $200.00 for one. Here's how my $8.00 yard sale find turned out. With the paint I have a total of $9.50!
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Weekend Thursday
Yes, I know that title makes no sense but it will in just a moment. Ya'll know I simply love my Redbox machine across the street. Well I missed dropping by on Tuesday and swung by there last night and once again today. So tonight, since it is still the summer the kids and I rented the following:- Lenny the Wonder Dog (yes it is a cute)- The hubby rented something Brothers (looked war-like or
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
We are already gearing up for school, the countdown has begun. (no not this one) To view more Wordless Wednesday posts don't forget to visit the hut and 5Minutes for mom.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
July Giveaways
Here is a small list of giveaways I found today and I'll also be posting one here later. Gear up I hear movies are in the works. :) If you have a giveaway list it below and don't forget email me at and I'd gladly host one for you.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My other blog, Babylune currently has a Huggies giveaway going on. Who doesn't like Pull-ups?Uncover The Internet
Monday, July 14, 2008
Casts Hurt...
especially when they come across you face. Imagine my surprise or horror if you will as I woke up on Sunday morning with a cast hitting me upside the head. Sometime during the night BabyGirl decided to sneak into my room and lay in bed with me. I quickly grabbed the armed bandit and moved her cast back to her side of bed. Not trusting my safety I decided it was time to get up, who cared if it was
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sweepstakes to Benefit Cancer
You all know I love contests and sharing them with you so when Laura Reeve emailed me to let me know about the Stand Up to Cancer Sweepstakes I immediately thought of blogging about it. I mean many people have known someone with cancer at least one point in their life, so you are helping a cause and the prize is really nice too.The prize? One winner will get to spend time with their favorite
My Schlage Lock and All those Boxes
Remember those boxes I told you about a while back? Well, now I can tell you what was in them....LOCKS. It seems there was an error and they sent me 20 boxes of them, but not to worry they quickly came back for them and picked up the tab. So far I'm loving this company but the truth is their locks are great. The company is Schlage, a professional security where they make GREAT locks. I'm not
Saturday, July 12, 2008
~*Remember This?*~
I bought this table dirt cheap last summer and never did anything with it. My dd needed a night stand and so I decided to paint it for her room...stay tuned for the after...below is the before!
Thanks again for stopping in for a visit!
I hope you'll come back in a few days to see the results of my little painting's almost completed!
Thanks again for stopping in for a visit!
I hope you'll come back in a few days to see the results of my little painting's almost completed!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Top 100 Female Bloggers
I feel so touched and honored to be among the list of many famous female bloggers. I was named #70 out of 100 other bloggers as one of the top. It isn't often that "The Life of a Home Mom" is nominated for anything, let alone place in something, so I was very happy to get the email stating I had a ranking on their list.The Top 10 were:1 Michelle Malkin2 Dooce3 Cute Overload4 Xiaxue5
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Music Pounding Neighbors!
I have one of those types of houses that are connected by a thin wall to my other neighbors house, heck we even share a walk way. Normally they are pretty good, we had one time earlier this year where they blasted their music and I eventually, after a long day with a migrane went over and very politely asked her to turn it down just a tad. She did, course later she'd come by and do the same with
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
She got a Cast
It's official, she is now the first child in my family to have broken a bone. The doctor says she broke her wrist in two different locations, if I'm not mistaken but I could be as I wasn't there it is called a buckle fracture. Hubby says he just remembers it started with a b.She was a brave little girl and sat still for the x-rays and them putting on the cast. Even while being interrogated by the
I LOVE my Preserve Toothbrush
First, I'm not a total recycling person, even though I wish I was. There's not excuse for me not being one either, except I just haven't focused on doing it. However when Momcentral asked if I'd like to try out the "Preserve" Toothbrush I was intrigued.The tooth brush kind of made me wonder. I mean how to you make a toothbrush from recycled material? I thought this thing would dissolve in my hand
Monday, July 7, 2008
It Might Be Broke
Wouldn't you know it, I rarely ever let the kids play out front without me. The one time I do they decide to race one another on the sidewalk, only BabyGirl falls down. I hear the screaming and crying and call her in. She says she's fine but fell on her bottom. I look and see there is a red mark on her wrist with a scrape and immediately think we should take her in but then figure this is just
A Growing Trend- Booted From Airline
It seems to be a growing trend in America lately, lets see how many families will get booted from an airline this month. Last month we heard about Janice Farrel and her son who is autistic son. Granted everyone believes he should be treated like any normal child, however they also think she should get money for getting kicked off the airline. So, does your child with a handicap mean you should be
Saturday, July 5, 2008
~* Happy Belated July 4th *~
Dear blogging friends...I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted anything. I don't know where the time has gone and I do apologize for not being around as much.
I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th. We had some friends over to watch fireworks. We live on a hill and have a wonderful view of some local fireworks (Idlewild Park and Rolling Rock Country Club). My dear friend Josie brought me this sweet flag box that I just love! Thank you so much Josie!
We recently changed our front porch furniture. Our other furniture was nice, but was too small for the size of the porch. We got this furniture at Home Depot and I just love it...wish all of you could come over and enjoy it with me...I can see us sitting there enjoying lemonade, cookies and chatting about our families and our recent yard sale/thrifting finds.
Thanks so much for the comments that were left for me on my last post...I appreciate each and every one of you!
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