I decided to add this second picture give you a little better view. This sink was put in the farmhouse when it was remodeled in the early 60's. DH and I decided that we still really liked it. The only thing we changed were the fixtures.
Friday, September 28, 2007
~* Corner of My Home *~
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
~* Yard Sale Treasures *~
Terri and Bob...thank you...I really do try to respond to questions because I want everyone to know that I read what they have to say.
Abbie, thank you, too! I honestly can say that I am no authority on painting furniture. My method is to clean the piece of furniture with Murphy's Oil soap, let it dry and just start painting. I know that one should scrape the loose paint if there is any, but I never bother...I say the shabbier the better! If any one knows of the proper way to paint furniture could you please let me know so I can post a link? Thanks!
Shirlee, I can honestly say that I have better luck at thrift stores than at yard sales. I always get something from a thrift store, but yard sales really are hit or miss.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
~*Some New Goodies*~
Sunday, September 9, 2007
~* More Kitchen Pics *~
I hope you've enjoyed this up close and personal look at some of things that are near and dear to my heart. Thanks once again for taking the time to stop by...I appreciate it so much.
Much love to you all, Kim
I just want to say a special thank you to those of you who stopped by for my kitchen tour...thank you Julie from Nunnie's Attic, Anne F, Oak Wind Farm, Susan from Penless Thoughts, Heidi, My Heart Is Always Home, Cheryl (Copper's Wife), Marilyn, Becky, Manuela from The Feathered Nest, Terri and Bob, Bittersweetpunkin, and Little Pen Pen for your sweet comments.
Heidi wanted to know if had the complete collection of Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. No Heidi, I do not, even though it may look like I do. I'm sure trying though!